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SUNU Journal provides an inclusive and collective space for young artists, writers + thought leaders to publish work concerning Africa and the Diaspora.

SUNU Journal operates as a forum to encourage peer learning + engagement, whilst developing strong, intergenerational and transpatial relations.

SUNU Journal seeks to interrogate, critique and celebrate the past and the present, whilst contributing to a rich lineage of African and Afro-diasporic intellectual, cultural + artistic production.

SUNU Journal engages in a multimedia, archival practice whilst functioning as an archive of new + modern thought.

SUNU Journal aims to encourage discourse across geographies and chronologies. By creating a topography of various perspectives present among young + emerging cultural workers, SUNU Journal is contributing to the shaping of a nuanced African discourse(s) wrestling with the social, economic, political and cultural without disciplinary boundaries.  

Though SUNU Journal supports and includes diverse, emerging voices globally, it privileges + prioritizes emerging voices of color.

SUNU Journal aims to help strengthen the collective consciousness in matters concerning Africa and the African diaspora, across themes, form, time and space.

SUNU: Journal of African Affairs, Critical Thought + Aesthetics is a contribution to Black future-making, and an emblem of gratitude to our predecessors, foremothers + forefathers. We express graditude and honor the ones who’ve come before, the ones whose shoulders we stand on, those whose works we lean on and those who carry the spirit of the griot + the baobab.