SUNU means our in Wolof.
SUNU Journal is a collective, Pan-African platform for cultivating and archiving ideas concerning global Blackness across multiple forms + themes.
A Pan-African repository of archival + contemporary material
#SUNUjournal #SUNUnotes
#SUNUjournal #SUNUnotes
On this day, April 4th, in 1960, Senegal gained independence from the French through the signing of a transfer of p…
We are saddened to hear of the passing of photographer Kwame Brathwaite (@kwamebphoto). His life, work, and legacy…
Photographs of political activist, anti-colonialist and feminist, Andrée Blouin. Born in Oubangui-Chari (present-da…
Portrait of the prolific Guadeloupean writer, playwright, scholar and critic, Maryse Condé, at her home in Baie-Mah…